
WFHSS World Sterilization Congress

This event has ended
17 – 21 November 2021
All Day
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We were delighted to both sponsor and attend the WFHSS World Sterlization Congress in Geneva, Switzerland last month.  We all agreed that seeing customers and distributors in person to discuss challenges and new ideas was an absolute pleasure.

In addition to our regular exhibition, we proudly hosted a symposium to an audience of more than 150 eager listeners.  The topic was Increasing patient safety by validating a reproducible reprocessing method for semi-critical and critical ultrasound probes.

We shared the story of the Kiel University team’s implementation of automated HLD for probes reprocessing throughout their university hospital.  The feedback received from attendees was very positive indeed.

The symposium was presented by Maja Decius & Jalel Ben Mesmia (Germany).

WFHSS 2021, Maja Decius

Increasing patient safety by validating a reproducible method for reprocessing ultrasound probes (Part 1)

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WFHSS 2021, Jalel Ben Mesmia

Increasing patient safety by validating a reproducible method for reprocessing ultrasound probes (Part 2)

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Overall, the WHFSS Congress was a very successful event that attracted over 1700 attendees.  We are very much looking forward to the next WHFSS Congress in 2023.

To find out more, please contact your local distributor or sales representative.

IP&C HFM Scotland Conference 2022