Worcestershire Acute Hospital Trust
Worcestershire Acute Hospital Trust
Clarisa Marquez
Job Title
Ward Manager
Q. Prior to implementing trophon what HLD method were you using?
A. Single-use wipes
Q. What do you like most about using the trophon machine compared to your previous method
A. Quick and easy, probe feels more clean
Q. What are the main benefits your organisation has seen since implementing trophon? (e.g. time, safety, cost, reduction in clinical waste, etc.)
A. Time, cost
Q. How have Nanosonics supported you, from installation and afterwards?(e.g. training, study days, servicing machines, account management etc.)
A. Yes, training staff, servicing machines
Q. Would you recommend trophon to others? (why?)
A. Yes, quick and easy. Equipment not too big.